my story.

I AM Giselle Fiumara, a multi-fasceted entrepreneur, who decided to leave the Corporate world in 2020, to follow her Dharma.

I AM a Marketing and Communications expert by profession with 15+ of experience leading top positions in Marketing departments at Fortune 500 Companies globally; and a dreamer and believer in the possibility of creating a New Earth by choice.

I AM also a conscious Kundalini teacher, who shares the wisdom of Kundalini yoga technology with the highest heartfelt consciousness. My connection to Kundalini runs deep, since it guided me on my own healing journey.


why conscious marketing?

DHARMIK in sanskrit means sacred, deeply connected to the soul.

at DHARMIK we guide entrepreneurs to connect to their souls to find their dharma. their true purpose in life. that which makes them unique in this existence.

what is conscious marketing?

it is the bridge between your true power and the world. it is your true voice amplified through conscious marketing and communication strategies.

the keyword that marks the difference between unconscious and conscious marketing is manipulation.

after years of leading marketing departments at Fortune 500 global corporations around the world, i decided it was time to start telling the truth.

unconscious marketing uses psychoanalysis to manipulate the mind of human beings (customers), to create the desire to satisfy a need that does not exist or it is founded in a deep wound of lack of self love.

selling luxury products to human beings at extremely expensive prices, cost me more than what I was receiving in return. It cost my integrity.

i got tired and frustrated of lying, creating an imaginary around products that people do not need, and will never do. The moment i started loving myself, i realized that i did not need to continue supporting the materialistic consumerism i was deeply immersed in.

i was a pray of marketing myself. And it was difficult to leave the ilussion of security that my ego was creating. And once i did, i wanted to share my experience with the entire world.

i started shedding layers and layers of old constructs, limiting beliefs, trauma, unfelt feelings and trapped emotions.

and through Kundalini technology and emotional healing processes, i rediscovered my true power inside, my life force, my light, the endless creativity that i had lost not being true to my self.

i take entrepreneurs on a journey of self discovery, to abandon the ilusion of who they want to be or become, and enamorate themselves with who they truly are and what they came to this existence to do, their dharma, their destiny.

and it is so powerful to speak from that place of true power. igniting the fire within, that fire that awakens every single cell of the body, strenghtens our psychomagnetic field to magnetize anything that corresponds to us from our higher selfs, not our ego. the passion with which we wake up every morning to conquer the world, starting by conquering our mind first.

why conscious?

because i will take you to the deepest layers of your being to hold space for you to elevate to higher levels of consciousness, and change the world, changing your internal world first!